Top 10 Recommendations on Leading Right Now

‪Are you rethinking any of your strategies as you plan for 2024?

As the CEO or leader of a small to mid-size organizations here are ten simple tips to improve the likelihood of success.

‪✓Hire the right people - those who fit now AND can grow with you.‬
‪✓Know your blind spots and surround yourself with people who can cover those.‬
‪✓Though you may have specific job functions & descriptions, color outside the box so that you leverage all of the passion and capabilities you have on the team.‬
‪✓Treat your employees as adults - don't micromanage. You hired them because they were qualified to do the job.‬
‪✓Lead with a human-centric approach. People will give more if they feel that you care.‬
‪✓Live the culture you want to operate in. Actions speak louder than words.‬
‪✓Share the "why" of the organization and how people fit in‬
‪✓Share the challenges you and the organization are facing - be honest and vulnerable‬
‪✓Ask don't need to have all the answers but you will need to make decisions once you have insights.‬
‪✓Exit people quickly and respectfully if they're not going to work out.‬

‪All of these tips can positively impact your culture, and they don’t cost you any money or extra time.


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