5 Critical Questions to Know the Answer To...

…if you want to be a people centric organization.

A sign in a brown field says "Answers 1 km" with an arrow pointing rightward

If you’re building a business or growing an organization, you need to know the answers to these 5 questions related to your people strategy:

  1. Whom do we want on the team (target behaviors, capabilities, and attitudes)? If you're only hiring by looking at someone's hard skills or past experiences, you may not be hiring the person that will make your organizational culture stronger in addition to their specific role.

  2. What experiences will we create and maintain that attract and retain people who can help us grow? Even if you're part of a bigger organization, your team dynamics matter, maybe even more than at the organizational level

  3. What’s the “why” for individuals to be proud to work with us? Many people are looking for the time they spend at work to have meaning, more than just a paycheck. Have you shared how the team impacts the broader organization or the external community?

  4. How do we want the people to operate (values) and how will we stay aligned and connected? Even when organizations have their specific values, how these show up at the team level may look and feel different than another team. How do you want to see your team live the values?

  5. How/when will we know that we need to shift our people strategies? What will be the signals? Waiting until you start seeing attrition is too late to know there's a problem. What's the energy level of your team? Do have employee engagement scores and comments to give you insights? As soon as you shift your business strategy or priorities, it's also the time to check that your people strategies and approaches are still relevant.

Do you have clear answers today? Does your leadership team think the same things?

Maybe it’s time to step back and review if you have alignment. Knowing the answers to these questions may save you time and effort, particularly when it comes to bringing new people on to the team or into the organization or re-recruiting the people you already have.

If this is where you and your organization are, and you could use some support in this people strategy work, let’s talk.


It’s Not Just About Where People Work


When Do I Need a People Strategy?