Leading Organizations Require the Balance of Strategy, Execution, and Reflection

Are you paying attention to your people strategies? Use these pieces to reflect on how you can better assess and align the talents of your team.

Work Melissa Carson Work Melissa Carson

The Best Investment Organizations Can Make Right Now

I’m not suggesting you need to spend thousands or millions of dollars on training, but it’s time to reframe and invest in those roles because they are critical to the engagement and retention of your teams. And, if you can maintain or increase engagement and improve retention rates, it will impact your bottom line and customer satisfaction.

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Work Melissa Carson Work Melissa Carson

It’s Not Just About Where People Work

There is a need for businesses to balance what they need for success with an awareness of how employees want to work. Employers can be stubborn and push for a single answer of…I want people in the office because that’s the way it’s supposed to be. However, that unwillingness to explore how to balance key stakeholder needs and interests guarantees that they will not get the highest level of productivity and engagement.

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Work Melissa Carson Work Melissa Carson

When Do I Need a People Strategy?

The challenge for leaders has never been more daunting yet exciting. The pace of change is accelerating; significant uncertainty reigns socially, politically, economically, and organizationally; employee expectations have evolved, and new ways of working have emerged for many employees. These circumstances make leading teams and organizations harder than ever before.

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