When Do I Need a People Strategy?

Chess pieces are gathered around a queen piece standing over a fallen king piece

The challenge for leaders has never been more daunting yet exciting. The pace of change is accelerating; significant uncertainty reigns socially, politically, economically, and organizationally; employee expectations have evolved, and new ways of working have emerged for many employees. These circumstances make leading teams and organizations harder than ever before. 

An integrated people strategy is critical to staying competitive in the talent arena.

You might be asking, "what is a people strategy?" Your people strategy is the foundation upon which your programs, policies, and people priorities are built.

  • It's anchored in your business strategy.

  • It is a comprehensive plan to identify specific talent imperatives and the integrated actions required to achieve your business goals.

  • It's a living document that has measures, is reviewed at least quarterly, and is modified as circumstances and priorities shift.

Organizations and teams benefit from people strategy support when they…

  • Have or will experience a change in leadership

  • Are introducing new offerings, entering new markets, or shifting services—the landscape is changing.

  • Are experiencing lower engagement scores and rising attrition

  • Have goals or challenges that require a new way of working

  • Are redefining the work experience post-Covid

Investing in people advisory support could be your next step if your organization is looking for these business outcomes.

  • Improved business performance through alignment of people strategies and actions

  • Higher levels of employee engagement

  • Increased leadership capabilities and performance

  • Organizational readiness for the next stage of growth

To get the "people stuff" right in your organization, one of these solutions may be what you need next.

  • Advisory analysis on the current people strategy and barriers impeding performance

  • People Strategy Bootcamp to create a people strategy aligned to the business strategy

  • Improving the leadership capabilities of your team and overall team effectiveness

  • Raising the capability of the HR function.

Just as you need business and customer strategies, all organizations need a people strategy. How solid is yours today?


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